

What Course Are You Interested In?

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Certificate in Agriculture
(Level 5)

Dairy Herd Management
(Level 6)

Dairy Herd Management
(Level 6)

Agricultural Mechanisation
(Level 6)

Certificate in Agriculture (Level 5)


The course consists of a combination of formal course work and a period of practical learning. The
formal course work is split 50:50 (approx) between practical/ skills training and classroom
(theoretical) sessions. The course consists of a range of mandatory and elective modules. Students
choose a cluster of elective modules in one of the following specialisms: dairy production, drystock
production, machinery and crop production.

Course Aims

This course, accredited by QQI, is the introductory course for young people who wish to make their
career as farmers. The course is suitable for people seeking employment on farms.

Graduates of the course are eligible to:

  • Progress to a Level 6 Green Cert or an Advanced Certificate in Agriculture programme.
  • Transfer to Year 2 of the Higher Certificate in Agriculture or a BSc in Agriculture at an Institute of
  • Transfer to linked courses at Institutes of Technology through the Higher Education Links Scheme.

Entry Requirements

This course is offered on a full-time basis at colleges. Applicants for the full-time programme must
be 17 years old or over on 1 January following entry to the course. This course will be of most
benefit to anyone who has completed the senior cycle at second level (Leaving Certificate or


Online Applications are made to Teagasc​

Please ensure you have the following items of documentation available to you for uploading during
the application process:

  1. A copy of your birth certificate
  2. Evidence/Proof of your PPS (Personal Public Service) e.g. copy of Public Services Card (front
    and back as your PPS number is on the back), copy of Drugs Payment Scheme Card etc.
  3. A copy of your driver's licence (front & back) if applicable
  4. Medical Card (if applicable)
  5. Signed Consent Form for those under 18 years of age. 
    Your parent/guardian must complete the Teagasc Consent Form 2021 and this must then be
    uploaded as part of your application).  You can download the document clicking the button below:


On-Farm Practical Learning Period

Students on the full-time programme spend two 4 week practical learning periods on an approved
training farm which has the enterprise of their specialism. 
On successful completion of the course students are awarded the QQI Level 5 Certificate in
Agriculture. This course does not meet the training requirement for Stamp Duty Exemption.


On successful completion students are awarded:
QQI Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture
This is the first year in a two year programme to becoming a young trained farmer


Students with this Level 5 award may progress to the Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture. 

Progression is also available through the higher education links scheme. Please contact the relevant
higher education institute for further information.


Students who have successfully completed the Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture, or equivalent
course, are eligible to apply.

Dairy Herd Management (Level 6)

Entry Requirements

Students who have successfully completed the Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture, or equivalent
course, are eligible to apply.



Start Date: Sept 2022
End Date: June 2023


On successful completion students are awarded:
QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Dairy Herd Management)
Students who successfully complete this course meet the training requirements for Stamp Duty
Exemption and DAFM Schemes.

Course Aims

The course provides in-depth knowledge of dairying and the dairy industry. It is designed to ensure
that participants acquire the high level of technical and managerial skills required:
To run a modern commercial dairy farm enterprise.
To gain employment in the agri-business sector.

Course Structure and Content

Students spend 20 weeks on course work in the college.
In addition students complete a 16 week practical learning period on an approved training host
farm. While most complete this in Ireland, there are opportunities for completing the practical
learning period in the USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe.


Students who achieve this award are eligible to apply for the Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy
Farm Management.
Progression is also available through the higher education links scheme. To get full details of the
range of Higher Education institutions and programmes available under the scheme, please contact
the admissions office of the individual Higher Education institution or visit www.cao.ie.



Holders of a Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture can apply for advanced entry into certain
degree programmes. Places are limited. Additional information can be accessed via the relevant
college website.

Many graduates progress into employment in roles such as a dairy herd technician or herd

Drystock Herd Management (Level 6)

Entry Requirements

Students who have successfully completed the Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture, or equivalent
course, are eligible to apply.



Start Date: Sept 2022
End Date: June 2023


On successful completion students are awarded:
QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Dairy Herd Management)
Students who successfully complete this course meet the training requirements for Stamp Duty
Exemption and DAFM Schemes.

Course Aims

This full-time course equips students with the husbandry and management skills to run a successful
drystock farm. It also prepares graduates for further training in farm management, farm work
abroad and careers in agri-industry.

Course Structure and Content

Students spend 20 weeks on course work in the college.
In addition students complete a 16 week practical learning period on an approved training host
farm. While most complete this in Ireland, there are opportunities for completing the practical
learning period in the USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe.


Students who achieve this award are eligible to apply for the Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy
Farm Management.
Progression is also available through the higher education links scheme. To get full details of the
range of Higher Education institutions and programmes available under the scheme, please contact
the admissions office of the individual Higher Education institution or visit www.cao.ie.



Holders of a Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture can apply for advanced entry into certain
degree programmes. Places are limited. Additional information can be accessed via the relevant
college website.

Many graduates progress into employment in roles such as a dairy herd technician or herd

Agricultural Mechanisation (Level 6)

Entry Requirements

Students who have successfully completed the Level 5 Certificate in Agriculture, or equivalent
course, are eligible to apply.



Start Date: Sept 2022
End Date: June 2023


On successful completion students are awarded:
QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Dairy Herd Management)
Students who successfully complete this course meet the training requirements for Stamp Duty
Exemption and DAFM Schemes.

Course Aims

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required for:
Working in the farm machinery industry e.g., agricultural contractors, fabricators and machinery
sales, etc
Running an agricultural contracting business

Course Structure and Content

Students spend 20 weeks on course work in the college.
In addition students complete a 16 week practical learning period at an approved training host


Students who achieve this award are eligible to apply for the Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy
Farm Management.

Progression is also available through the higher education links scheme. To get full details of the
range of Higher Education institutions and programmes available under the scheme, please contact
the admissions office of the individual Higher Education institution or visit www.cao.ie.

Holders of a Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Agriculture can apply for advanced entry into certain
degree programmes. Places are limited. Additional information can be accessed via the relevant
college website.


Many graduates progress into employment in the agricultural machinery sector.